Free Content from Mike Acker

Additional content referred to in the books of Mike Acker: The "3 & 3", How to Write a Speech, E.I. and more!

Where does confidence come from?

The 3 Classics are at the core of all three courses offered in The Public Speaking School. We first investigate who you are, determine who you would like to become, and we'll tackle whatever stands between you and your goals. We're offering you the first lesson of our courses for free so you can start to think about the shift you want to make in your life and career.

How do you craft a compelling speech?

The 3 Questions are designed to help you communicate more effectively. We want people to listen to our ideas, to make changes, to make purchases, and to join us in our mission! Sometimes we just don't know how to say it. It's easy to overwhelm an audience, and we've all seen speakers ramble, or mumble, and put their audiences to sleep! Asking these three basic questions is the first thing we'll explore when crafting speeches and presentations that motivate and inspire our audiences!

Check out these free lessons!

If you would like to brainstorm a plan to reach your communication and confidence goals, reach out to Mike Acker for a complimentary 20-minute consultation:

Your Instructor

Mike Acker
Mike Acker

Mike Acker is an executive communication coach, speaker, and author with over 20 years of experience in speaking, leadership development, and organizational management.

Known for his authenticity and humor, Mike specializes in fomenting personal and organizational awareness, allowing clients to create their own personal growth plan. His approach is earnest and holistic, leading you to a more satisfying work and life balance. Mike has coached politicians, business entrepreneurs, educational leaders, and executive managers in communication and leadership.

As a speaker, Mike has connected with groups of 10 to 10,000 people.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome by Mike Acker
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Write to Speak - Mike Acker
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lead With No Fear - by Mike Acker and Steve Gutlzer
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Keynote Content from Mike Acker
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Connect through Emotional Intelligence
Available in days
days after you enroll

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